Marija Vukotić rođena je u Podgorici gdje je završila osnovnu i srednju školu. Osnovne studije završila je na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Beogradu 2002. godine kao jedan od najboljih studenata. Nakon toga je upisala Duke Univerzitet u Sjevernoj Karolini, SAD, gdje je magistrirala i doktorirala takođe kao jedan od najboljih studenata. Dobitnik je brojnih studentskih nagrada. Bila je istraživač na G17 institutu u Beogradu, a radila je kao istraživač u Narodnoj banci Francuske i Federal Reserve Bank u Čikagu. Od 2012. godine bila je docent, a trenutno vanredni profesor na Univerzitetu Warwick u Velikoj Britaniji. Na UDG je angažovana od 2010. godine. Njeni istraživački interesi vezani su za makroekonomiju, biznis cikluse, ekonomiju inovacija i tehnološkoih promjena i međunarodnu makroekonomiju.
Objavljeni (prihvaćeni) radovi:
- Delayed Adjustment and Persistence in Macroeconomic Models, with Thijs van Rens, Accepted for publication at Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
- How Distorted Food Prices Discourage a Healthy Diet, with Thijs van Rens and Roberto Pancrazi Science Advances, 8 (13), 30 March 2022.
- Patent-Based News Shocks, with Danilo Cascaldi-Garcia,The Review of Economics and Statistics (2022) 104 (1): 51–66, Download Online Appendix here.
- Welfare Gains of Bailouts in a Sovereign Default Model, with Roberto Pancraziand Hernan S. Seoane, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 113, 193867, April 2020. (this is a substantially revised version of the previous version "Welfare Costs of Sovereign Debt Crises: the Role of Bailouts")
- Sectoral Effects of News Shocks, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 81, March 2019, 215–249. (this is a substantially revised version of the draft circulated as "A Sectoral Approach to News Shocks" )
- Inflation Sensitivity to Monetary Policy: What has Changed since the Early 1980's, with Roberto Pancrazi, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 81, March 2019, 412-436. (Previously circulated as "On the Effectiveness of Conventional Monetary Policy")
- The Price of Capital and the Financial Accelerator, with Roberto Pancrazi and Hernan Seoane, Economics Letters, Volume 140, December 2016, Pages 86-8, *Replication files for solving BGG with the equilibrium price of capital: download
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