
Redovni profesor
Prof. dr Steve Pejovich

Professor of Emeritus, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
Senior Research Fellow, International Centre for Economic Research, Torino, Italy


1963 Ph.D. in Economics, Georgetown University

1955 LL.B., University of Belgrade


1962-66 Assistant Professor, St. Mary's College, Winona, MN

1966-67 Associate Professor, University of Dallas

1967-70 Associate Professor, Texas A&M University

1967-68 Director, Graduate Programs in Economics, Texas A&M University

1968-80 Associate Editor, Review of Social Economy

1970-75 Professor, Ohio University

1971-73 Director, Division of Research, Ohio University

1973-90 Editorial Advisor, Modern Age

1973 Visiting Scholar, Hoover Institution

1974 Visiting Professor, Ohio State University

1975-78 Head, Department of Economics, University of Dallas

1977 Visiting Professor, Francisco Marroquinn University, Guatemala

1978-80 Dean, School of Management, University of Dallas

1980-81 Acting President, University of Dallas

1981-2002 Professor of Economics, Texas A&M University

1981-90 Director, Center for Free Enterprise, Texas A&M

1981- Adjunct Scholar, Heritage Foundation

1984-90 Advisory Board, Capitol Research Center

1985-95 Advisory Board, Washington Legal Foundation

1987 Faculty Distinguished Teaching Award, Association of Former Students, Texas A&M University

1988-90 Jeff Montgomery Professor of Economics, Texas A&M

1990-93 Rex B. Grey Professor of Economics, Texas A&M

1992- Senior Research Fellow, ICER, Torino, Italy

1993-96 Scientific Council, Academia Istropolitana, Bratislava,

1997 The Templeton Honor-Rolls for Education in a Free Society

1997- Visiting Professor, University of Podgorica, Yugoslavia

2000-03 Member, Board of Directors, The Foundation for Responsible Television

2000- Professor Emeritus, Texas A&M University

2003- Editorial Board, Journal of Bioeconomics (Canada)

2004 Editorial Board, Gospodarska Gibanja (Slovenia)

2004 Senior Fellow, Goldwater Institute

2005 Honorary Ph.D., University of Belgrade

2006 Hayek Visiting Professorship at Universities of Innsbruck and Linz

2007 Advisory Academic Board, Free Society Institute, Slovenia

2007 Board of Trustee, Foundation for responsible television


1966 The Market-Planned Economy of Yugoslavia, Universi-ty of Minnesota Press

1988 A Political Economist's Analysis of an Income Tax in Texas, Studies in Political Economy, 6, Center for Free Enterprise, Texas A&M


1971 "The Modern City, Its Problems, Causes and Cures," Focus on Cities, University of Natal Press. H. L. Watts, editor

1971 "The Role of the Banking System in Yugoslav Economic Planning," (with E. Furubotn) Revue Internation-ale d'Histoire de la Banque, Librairie Droz, Vol. 4, Geneva. D. Demarco, editor

1973 "The Banking System and the Investment Behavior of the Yugoslav Firm," Plan and the Market, Yale University Press. M. Bernstein, editor

1974 "Economic Development and Property Rights," Accel-erated Development in Southern Africa, Macmillan. D. Collier, editor

1975 "The Labor-Managed Firm and Bank Credit," Planning in Soviet-Type Economies, Cambridge University Press. J. Thornton, editor

1975 "Property Rights and Economic Theory," (with E. Furubotn) Recent Advances in Economics, Irwin. R. Fels and J. Siegfried, editors

1975 "The Firm, Monetary Policy and Property Rights in a Planned Economy," Reader on Self-Governing Social-ism, International Press. B. Horvat, editor

1976 "The Concept of Property Rights," New Frontiers in Economics, Public Choice. G. Tullock, editor

1976 "The Soviet Union and Eastern Block Countries," Economic Planning, Institute for Contemporary Studies. L. Chickering, editor

1979 "The Capitalist Corporation and the Socialist Firm," Economic and Socialist Institutions, M. Nijhoff. K. Brunner, editor

1981 "Law as a Capital Good," Lexoconics, Sherman. G. Sirkin, editor

1983 "Innovation and Alternative Property Rights," Innovations Probl-eme in Ost und West, Marburg University Press. A. Schuller, editor

1983 "The Development of Property Rights," Readings in the Economics of Law, Oxford University

1984 "Origins and Consequences of Alternative Property Rights," Selling the Federal Forests, University of Washington Press. A. E. Gamache, editor

1988 "Freedom, Property Rights and Innovation in Social-ism," Freedom, Democracy and Economic Welfare, Fraser Institute. M. Walker, editor

1989 "Institutions and Bureaucracy," The Soviet Union in Transition, World Media Association. E. Bouma, editor

1991 "Economic Changes in Eastern Europe," Freiheit-Ordnung-Verantwortung, European Forum 1990, Alpba-ch, Aus-tria. O. Molden, editor.

1992 "Political and Economic Reforms in Eastern Europe: The Case of Yugoslavia," Government - Servant or Master, Rodopi, Amsterdam. G. Radnitzky and H. Bethe, editors.

1992 "Quo Vadis Eastern Europe," The Market Solution to Economic Development in Eastern Europe,Edwin Mellen Press, New Jersey. R. McGee, editor

1993 "Institutions, Nationalism and The Transition Process in Eastern Europe," Liberalism and the Economic Order, Cambridge University Press and Social Philosophy and Policy Center. E. Paul, editor.

1995 "Property Rights and the Behavior of the Firm in a Socialist State," Producer Cooperatives and Labor-Managed Systems, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK. D. Prychitko and J. Vanek, editors.

1996 “The Market for Institutions Vs The Strong Hand of The State", Economic Institutions, Markets and Competition, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK. B. Dallago and L. Mittone, editors.

1996 "Property Rights and Technological Innovation," Scientific Innovation, Philosophy, and Public Policy, Cambridge University Press and Social Philosophy and Policy Center. E. Paul, editor.

1997 “Pravo kao Kapitalno Dobro”, Ljudska Prava, Institut za Evropske Studije, Yugoslavia. M. Prokopijevich, editor.

1999 “Law, Tradition and Liberalism in Practice: Quo Vadis, Eastern Europe,” The Meaning of Liberalism-East and West, CEU Press. Z. Suda and J. Musil, editors.

2001 “The Choice of Business Firms: A Suggestion to the Rulers in Eastern Europe,” James Buchanan and His Work, Springer-Verlag. J. Brennan, H. Kliemt, and P Koslowski, editors. (online)

2006 “Der Kapitalismus ist ein Way of Life,” Lust und Last des Liberalismus, Verlag Neue Zuiricher Zeitung. Gerhard Schwarz & Uwe Justus Wenzel, editors.

2006 “The Uneven results of Institutional Changes in Centraland Eastern Europe,” Festschrift fur Christoph Kraus, Hayek Institute in Vienna. Barbara Lamprechter, editor.


1962 "The Problem of Transition of Medieval Man into the Modern Man," Social Order, 12, December

1964 "Taxes and the Pattern of Economic Growth: The Case of Yugoslavia," National Tax Journal, 17, March

1964 ____________, Cashiers de L'Isea, 18, June

1965 "The Problem of Rising Prices in a Planned Econo-my," Western Economic Journal, 3, Summer

1966 "Human Capital," Review of Social Economy, 24, September

1968 "Community, Leadership and Progress," New Individuaist Review, 5, Winter

1968 "Technical Progress and Technical Schools," Review of Social Economy, 26, March

1968 "Major Institutional Requirements for Successful Economic Development," Rhodesian Journal of Economics, 2, December

1969 "Liberman's Reforms and Property Rights in the Soviet Union," Journal of Law and Economics, 12, April

1969 "The Firm, Monetary Policy and Property Rights in a Planned Economy," Western Economic Journal, 7, September

1970 "Fiscal Policy and Investment in Human Capital," Review of Social Economy," 28, March

1970 "Some Important Factors in the Economic Growth of Rhodesia," South African Journal of Economics, June

1970 "Property Rights and the Behavior of the Firm in a Socialist State," Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie, 30, Fall (with E. Furubotn)

1970 "Tax Policy and Investment Decisions of the Yugo-slav Firm," National Tax Journal, 23, September (with E Furubotn)

1971 "Towards a General Theory of Property Rights, Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie, 31, Spring

1972 "The Formation and Distribution of Net Product of the Yugoslav Firm," Jahrbuch der Wirtschaft Ost-Europas, 3, Yearbook (with E. Furubotn)

1972 "Economic Reforms in the Soviet Union," Modern Age, 16, Winter

1972 "Le Chef d'Enterprise Sovietique et l'Innovation," Revue de L'Est, 3, July (with E. Furubotn)

1972 "La Structure Institutionelle et les Stimulants de la Firme Yougosl-ave," Revue de L'Est, 3, April (with E. Furubotn)

1972 "Economic Development and Property Rights," Modern Age, 16, Fall

1972 "Towards an Economic Theory of the Creation and Specification of Property Rights," Review of Social Economy, 30, September

1972 "Property Rights and Economic Theory: A Survey of Recent Literature," Journal of Economic Literature, 10, September (with E. Furubotn)

1973 "Alchian's and Demsetz's Property Rights Paradigm," Journal of Economic History, 33, March

1973 "The Evolution of the Yugoslav Firm, 1965-72," Journal of Law and Economics, 16, October (with E. Furubotn)

1973 "The Economics of Vocational and Technical Educa-tion: A Report on Three Studies," Review of Social Economy, 31, October (with I. Ghazalah)

1974 "A Note on the Bank Credit and the Investment Behavior of the Firm in Socialism," Jahrbuch der Wirtschaft Osteuropas, 5, Yearbook

1976 "The Capitalist Corporation and the Socialist Firm," Schweizeri-sche Zeitschrift fur Volkwirt-schaft und Statistik, 11, January

1977 "The Relevance of Marx and the Irrelevance of Marxian Revival," Modern Age, 21, Winter

1978 "Rilevanza Di Marx E Irrilevanza Del RevivalMarxiano," Biblioteca Della Liberta, 71, Fall

1978 "Codetermination: Labor Participation in Manage-ment," Modern Age, 22, Winter

1978 "A Note on the Separation of Ownership from Con-trol," Manage-ment International Review, Winter (with R. Koshal); reprinted in "Early Capstones of 30 years of publishing the Management International Review," 1992.

1979 "The Yugoslav System of Contractual Self-Management and Its Implications," Review of Social Economy, 37, October

1980 "The Economic Position of the Enterprise in the Yugoslav Economy," Statsvetenskpalig Tidskrift, 5, Winter

1980 "The Costs of Codetermination," Review of Social Economy, 38, December

1981 "Los Derechos de Propiedad y la Teoria Economica," Hacienda Publica Espanola, 68 (with E. Furubotn)

1982 "Karl Marx, Property Rights School and the Process of Social Change," Kyklos, 35, Fall

1982 "The Economic Objective of the Reagan Administra-tion," Wirtschaft Politische Blatter, Spring

1983 "Origins and Consequences of Alternative Property Rights," Journal of Pubic Finance and Public Choice, 3

1983 "Labor Participation in the Business Firms and Incentives to Innovation," Proceedings, German Economic Association Meeting in Basel

1984 "The Incentive to Innovate Under Alternative Prop-erty Rights," Cato Journal, 4, FallT

1987 "Freedom, Property Rights and Innovation in Social-ism," Kyklos, 40, Winter

1988 "Ioffe and Maggs on the Soviet Economic System: A Legal Analysis," Connecticut Law Review, 20, Summer

1989 "Liberty, Property Rights and Innovation in Eastern Europe," Cato Journal, 9, Summer

1989 "Diritti di Proprieta e Innovazione," Biblioteca della Liberta, 24, September

1990 "A Property Rights Analysis of the Yugoslav Miracle," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 507, January

1990 "A Property Rights Analysis of Perestroika," Commu-nist Econo-mies, 2, Summer

1992 "A Property Rights Analysis of the Inefficiency of Investment Decisions by Labor-Managed Firms," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 148, March

1992 "Why Has the Labor-Managed Firm Failed"?, Cato Journal, 12, Fall.

1992 "Nazionalismo e Instituzioni in Europa Orientale," Biblioteca della Liberta, 27, October-December.

1992 "Social and Economic Consequences of Alternative Property Rights in Yugoslavia," Annals of the Law School, University of Belgrade , 39, Fall.

1992 Quo Vadis Eastern Europe: A Property Rights Analysis," Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, 10, October-December.

1994 "A Property Rights Analysis of Alternative Methods of Organizing Production," Communist Economies, 6, Summer

1994 "The Market for Institutions Vs Capitalism by Fiat: The Case of Eastern Europe," Kyklos, 47, December.

1995 "Zwischen Liberalismus und Nationalismus," Transit, Europaische Revue, 9, Summer.

1996 “Privitizing the Process of Institutional Change in Eastern Europe,” Journal of Transition Management, 1, Spring.

1996 IL Mutamento Instituzionale Nei Paesi dell’Est: Publico et Privato,” Biblioteca della Liberta, 31, May-June.

1996 “The Prospects of Liberalism in Eastern Europe,” Economia le Scelte Pubbliche, 14, January-April

1997 “Law, Tradition and the Transition Process in Eastern Europe: The Case for the Mafia,” IB Review, Winter.[/url]

1998 “Law, Tradition and the Transition Process in Eastern Europe: The Case for the Mafia,” (published in Albanian), Ekonomia dhe Tranzicioni, Fall

1997 “Law, Tradition, and the Transition in Eastern Europe,” Independent Review, 2, September.

1998 “Lest We Forget,” Chronicles, 22, July

1999 “The American Welfare System: A Property Rights Analysis,”
Ekonomska Misao, 31, Fall

2000 “The Effects of the Interaction of Formal and Informal Institutions on Social Stability and Economic Development,”
Journal of Markets and Morality, 2, September.

2000 “A Property Rights Analysis of the American Welfare System,” Economia delle Scelte,” (Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice), 17, Fall.

2001 “After Socialism: Where Hope for Individual Liberty Lies,” Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, 11, March.

2001 “From Socialism to the Market Economy: Postwar West Germany Versus Post-1989 East Bloc,” The Independent Review, 5, June.

2003 “Understanding the Transaction Costs of Transition: It’s the Culture, Stupid,” Review of Austrian Economics, 16, December []

2003 “Tranzicija, Tranzicijki Troskovi I Kultura,” (Transition, Transaction Costs, and Culture) Financijska Teorija I Praksa, 27.

2004 “Sta je Dobra Antimonopolska Politika,” (What is the Best Anti-Trust Policy) Ekonomski Anali, 48, September

2005 “On the Privatization of ‘Stolen Goods’ in Central and Eastern Europe,” The Independent Review, 10, No 2.

2006 “The Uneven Results of Institutional Changes in Central and Eastern Europe: The Role of Culture,” Social Philosophy and Policy, 23, No 1.


1969 "Rhodesia Tomorrow," Congressional Record, February 20, 1969 (reprinted in Vital Speeches, March 15, 1969

1970 "The Economy of Yugoslavia," Collier's Encyclopedia

1974 "Another View of Profit Sharing," National Review, May 24

1975 "Problem of Rising Prices," National Review

1984 "Codetermination in the West: The Case of Germany," Lecture Series, No. 10, Heritage Foundation, Wash-ington, D.C.

1984 "Industrial Democracy: Conflict or Cooperation," Backgrounder, Heritage Foundation

1985 "A Case for Privatization of Military Commissar-ies," Citizens for Competitive Economy, Washington, D.C.

1990 "Political and Economic Reforms in Eastern Europe: The Case of Yugoslavia", in Europe in an Open World Order, proceedings of the Mont Pelerin Society Meeting, Munich, September 1990.

1991 "Problem of Nationalities in the Transition Period", Search of a Transition to a Free Society, proceedings of the Mont Pelerin Society Meeting, Prague, November 1991.

dr Steve Pejovich
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