Ph.D. ("Simulation Models in Quantitative Analysis of Systems"), Faculty of Economics, University at Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1983
MS ("Monte Carlo Simulation"), Faculty of Economics, University at Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1978
BS (in Computer Science and Mathematics), School of Mathematics, University at Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1974
Post-graduate training:
CERN (Geneva, Switzerland, 4 months) and Middlesex Polytechnic (London, GB, 3 months).
Employment history
Sept. 2000 – present: Clinical Professor of Management Science and Information Systems, School of Business, University at Albany, Albany, NY 12222 (Clinical Professorship requires 18 credit Hrs. per week, which is 50% more than tenured colleagues and no Sabbatical is granted)
Sept. 1993 – June 2000: Associate Professor, The College of Saint Rose, Albany, NY, Department of Computer Information Systems, (Tenured in 1998)
During that period, every summer adjunct faculty, University at Albany.
June 1989 to May 1993: Associate Professor at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics, Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Informatics. During this period, Fall semesters of 1989, 1990 and 1992: SUNY at Albany, Business school, Department of Management Science and Information systems. Spring semester 1992 and 1993: SUNY at Binghamton, Management School.
By invitation taught graduate and undergraduate courses for The University at Rijeka (Croatia) and University at Bitola, Faculty of Economics, Prilep (FYR Macedonia)
Jan 1987 to May 1989, Assistant Professor at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics, Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Informatics. (Tenured and promoted in May 1989).
In the same time part-time Computing Center manager.
June 1986 to June 1991, leading researcher in Traffic Institute of Serbia, Belgrade
Fall semester 1986, Visiting Professor in MSIS, University at Albany, School of Business
Jan. 1984 to April 1986 Assistant Professor, University of Miami, Florida, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
May 1979-Dec. 1983: Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade
Articles published in peer refereed journals
1. Crnkovic, J., The Future of CRM is UX, Business Systems Research, Vol.4,No.1, 13 pages, Zagreb, Croatia 2013
2. Crnkovic, J. at al., IMPLEMENTATION OF CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MARKETING: Comparative Study of Two European and One American Company, IJCM, Manchester, UK, Oct. 2011 (K1)
3. Crnkovic, J. & Urschel, D., Managing The Implementation of the Hospital-Based Electronic Medical Records, JCEPP, Vol1, No. 1, pp. 1-26, April 2010 (K1)
4. Crnkovic, J., Tayi, G., Balou (Prof. Emertius), D. A decision-support framework for exploring supply chain tradeoffs, IJPE, 2008 (K1)
5. Asoh, D., Belardo, S. and Crnkovic, J., Assessing Knowledge Management: Refining and Cross-validating the Knowledge Management Index (KMI) using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Techniques, IJKM, 2007, Volume 3, Issue 2. (K1)
6. Crnkovic, J., Ross, P. and Desai, S. Software Support for the Classical, Contemporary and Future Project Management. SCI Journal, December 2006 (K1)
7. Crnkovic, Belardo, Asoh: Exploring the Knowledge Management Index as a Performance Diagnostic Tool, SCI Journal, Vol 3, (2), 2006 (K1)
8. Belardo, S., Crnkovic, J. and Asoh, D., KM Approach in designing e-business systems in governmental sector, Ekonomika Preduzeca (Enterprise Economy), Belgrade, Vol. 51, No. 1, Jan-Feb 2003
9. Crnkovic, J., Petkovic, G. and Janicijevic, N., Reengineering the Selling Process in a Showroom, Annals of Cases in Information Technology, Vol. 4, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA, 2002
10. New trends in retailing: E-commerce, (in Serbian language), “Nova Trgovina”, Belgrade, Vol. 50, No.1-2, January 1998.
11. Holstein, W.K. and Crnkovic, J., Privatization and Information Systems: The Role of Consultants and Partners, The International Privatization Update, V4, No.7, Castleton-on-Hudson, NY, 1995
12. Crnkovic, J. and Holstein, W.K., Information Systems: Necessity or Luxury in changing economies, Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 5, pp.119-135, London, 1995.
13. Crnkovic, J. and Zecevic, T., TQM in Teaching: Students are evaluating Instructors, Ekonomski Anali, vol. XXXVII, no.115, pp.53-66.,Belgrade,1993.
14. Crnkovic, J. Business Information Systems, Ekonomska Politika, Belgrade, 8/1991.
15. Crnkovic, J. Using Computer Technology in teaching at Business Schools (comparing Albany and Belgrade Schools), Ekonomski Anali, Belgrade, 1991.
16. Lazic, Crnkovic, Stefanovic, Energy Saving for the Electrical Locomotives Utilization, Zeleznice, Belgrade, 1991.
17. Crnkovic, J., and Zecevic, T., Expert System Approach in Designing Governmental Statistical Systems, Statisticar, Belgrade, 1990.
18. Zecevic, T. and Crnkovic, J. Statistical Structures and Appropriate Data Bases, Statisticar, Belgrade, 1990.
19. Crnkovic, Lazic, Designing the IC for the traffic Institute, Zeleznice, Belgrade, 1990.
20. Crnkovic, Lazic, Zecevic, Railway turns optimizing problems and simulation solution, Zeleznice, Belgrade, 1989
21. Lazic, Crnkovic, Matovic, Railway Crew Optimization problems, Zeleznice, Belgrade, 1989.
22. Crnkovic, J. and Stankic, R.: Management Information Systems on Micro and Macro Levels in the Yugoslav Tourist Industry, extended version of the paper presented at Second Joint SUNY at Albany-University of Belgrade Management Conference, Brioni, 1989., Ekonomski Anali, Belgrade, 1989.
23. Mohan, Crnkovic, Bakic, Stefanovic, YUTI: A Decision Support IS for Yugoslavian Foreign Tourism, extended version of the paper presented at Second Joint SUNY at Albany-University of Belgrade Management Conference, Brioni, 1989., Ekonomski Anali, Belgrade, 1989. Article is published in special edition of the Journal Ekonomski Anali : Managing the tourist firm ( Holstein, W.K. and M. Milisavljevic, editors), published in Belgrade, 1989 (in English language).
24. Milutinovic, Crnkovic, Houstis, A Simulation Study of Two Distributed Task Allocation Procedures, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, January 1988.
25. Crnkovic, J. and Malenovic, N., Managing Information Systems Development in a Self-Managed Company, extended version of the paper presented at Second Joint SUNY at Albany-University of Belgrade Management Conference, Dubrovnik, 1987. Ekonomski Anali, Belgrade, 1987. Article is published in special edition of the Journal Ekonomski Anali: Managing the firm ( Holstein, W.K. and M. Milisavljevic, editors), published in Belgrade, 1987 (in English language).
26. Mohan, L. and Crnkovic, J., A PC-Based Information Support System for Yugoslavia's External Trade, extended version of the paper presented at Second Joint SUNY at Albany-University of Belgrade Management Conference, Dubrovnik, 1987. Ekonomski Anali, Belgrade, 1987. Article is published in special edition of the Journal Ekonomski Anali: Managing the firm ( Holstein, W.K. and M. Milisavljevic, editors), published in Belgrade, 1987 (in English language).
27. Duchessi, P., Crnkovic, J. and Giri Kumar Tayi, Knowledge-Based Systems: An Application to Support Simulation of Flexible manufacturing Systems, extended version of the paper presented at Second Joint SUNY at Albany-University of Belgrade Management Conference, Dubrovnik, 1987. Ekonomski Anali, Belgrade, 1987. Article is published in special edition of the Journal Ekonomski Anali: Managing the firm (Holstein, W.K. and M. Milisavljevic, editors), published in Belgrade, 1987 (in English language).
28. Crnkovic, J., Zecevic, T., The Level of Computerization in Yugoslavia, Ekonomski Anali, Vol. XXIX, No. 1-2, Belgrade, 1985, this is the extended version of the paper presented at First Joint SUNY at Albany-University of Belgrade Management Conference, Belgrade-Dubrovnik, 1985. Article is published in special edition of the Journal Ekonomski Anali, published in Albany, New York, 1986 (in English language).
29. Crnkovic, J. et al., Industrial Cycles in Yugoslavia, Industrija, Belgrade, No. 4, 1984.
30. Crnkovic J. et al., Modeling and Forecasting in Tourism Businesses and its Quality, Nova Trgovina, Vol. XXXVII, No. 6, Belgrade, 1984.
31. Crnkovic, J., et al., Modeling Conjuncture Cycles in Industry Ekonomska Misao, No.3, Vol.XIX, Zagreb, 1983 (serbo-croatian language)
32. Crnkovic, J., et al., Modeling Conjuncture Cycles in Industry, extended and edited, published in New York (Academy for Management): Eastern Economies, 1985
33. Crnkovic, J., Lukic, R. and Stanisic, M., Grow-matrix Applications in Accounting, Knjigovodstvo, No.2, Vol.XVI, Belgrade, 1983.
34. Crnkovic, J., Monte Carlo Simulation, Ekonomski Anali, No. 70-71, Vol.XXVI, Belgrade, 1981.
35. Crnkovic, J., Statistical and Mathematical Bases of Monte-Carlo Methods, Statisticka Revija, No.1-2, vol.XXXXI, Belgrade, 1981.
Scholarly books and chapters in scholarly books
1. Lovreta, Petkovic, Crnkovic, “Customer Relationship Management”, chapter: CRM Software, Belgrade, Serbia: NICEF, 2010
2. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, D.B.A. (Ed.), “Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology”, Second Edition Measurement Issues in Decision Support Systems (second ed.). Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2009
3. Khosrow-Pour, M. (editor), "Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology", article by Holstein, W.K. and Crnkovic, J. , Idea Group Publishing, 2005
4. Ralph Berndt (editor), "Successfactor Innovation” (Yearbook 12), chapter: Project Management as a Factor of Success, Springer, Berlin, 2005
5. Albalooshi (Ed.) Virtual Education: Cases in Learning & Teaching Technologies chapter by Derek Asoh, Salvatore Belardo and Jakov Crnkovic Designing And Implementing An E-Government Application, IRM Press, Hershey, PA, 2003
6. Kangas , K. (editor) Business Strategies for Information Technology Management, chapter: Measurements and DSS by Holstein, W. and Crnkovic, J. , IRM Press, Hershey, PA, 2002
7. Ralph Berndt (editor) Change Management (Unternehmen im Wandel), chapter by Belardo and Crnkovic: Change and the Learning Organization, pp. 41-58, Springer, Berlin, 1998
8. Branko Maricic (editor), Marketing and Management Challenges in the Global Market, chapter by Crnkovic and Holstein: Designing Executive Information Systems, Publisher: Faculty of Economics, Belgrade, April 1998.
9. Milisavljevic, M. (editor): Strategic Management and Transformations of the Firm, two articles: Crnkovic, J., and Holstein, W.K., Decision Support Systems for Strategic Management, pp.17-23, and Belardo, S. and Crnkovic, J. Strategy and Learning Organizations: Beyond Traditional Definition, pp. 183-189 , Belgrade, 1997
10. Holstein W.K. and M. Milisavljevic (editors): Restructuring the firm, article: Petkovic, M. and Crnkovic, J., The Impact of IT on the Organizational Structure of the Firm - the Yugoslavian Experience, extended version from the Fourth Joint SUNY at Albany-University of Belgrade Management Conference, Belgrade, 1991. (in English language).
11. Radunovic, D. and S. Lovreta (editors): Development of Retailing Industry in Belgrade, chapter: IT for Retailing by Crnkovic, J. and D. Djuricin, NICEF, Belgrade, 1990.
12. Milisavljevic, M. (editor): Management in the socially owned firms, article by Crnkovic, J.: IS, Computer Systems and Management, SCBU, Belgrade, 1988.
13. B.W.Wah and G.J.Li (editors): Distributed Systems, article by: Milutinovic, Crnkovic, Cheng and Siegel, The LOCO Approach to Distributed task Allocation in AIDA , IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington D.C., 1986.
Published proceedings from scholarly meetings
1. Crnkovic, J., The Next Big Thing: Are We Ready for Mobile Apps in the Enterprise?, International ENTRENOVA conference, Invited paper, Rovinj, Croatia, fall 2019
2. Crnkovic, J, at al., “Analyzing Sustainability Efforts and Universal Facilities Reporting “, 7th M-Sphere Conference 2018, “Multidisciplinarity in Business & Science”, December 12-14, 2018, Zagreb, Croatia.
3. Crnkovic, J, Crnkovic, M and Coric, D., “Increasing facilities efficiency with Sustainify” DSI 2017 Annual Meeting in Washington D. C., USA., November 2017
4. Crnkovic, M, Crnkovic, J., “Can QR technology save money in SCM?” DSI 2017 Annual Meeting in Washington D. C., USA., November 2107
5. Crnkovic, J., Tayi, K.G., Impact of Information Attributes on Supply Chain Decision Making, DSI conference, San Francisco, Ca, (November, 2013)
6. Urschel, D. and Crnkovic, J., Planning an IT Project Implementation: Comparing different PM Techniques, WDSI Conference, Lake Tahoe, NV, April 6-8, 2010
7. Crnkovic, J. and Tayi, G. Developing DSS in SCM, DSI Conference, Baltimore, Dec 2008
8. Sanjay Goel & Jakov Crnkovic Diffusion Of Rfid In Organizations: A Perspective Based On Risk Perception, IRMA International Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 2007
9. Sanjay Desai, Jakov Crnkovic and Peter Ross, Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3): A Case Study, IRMA International Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 2007
10. Holstein, W. K., and Crnkovic, J., Achieving Corporate Strategy by Integrating Functional Management, 6th International Business Conference , Honolulu, Hawaii, May 2006
11. Belardo, S. and Crnkovic, J., Managerial Prospective on Key IT Issues, 6th International Business Conference , Honolulu, Hawaii, May 2006
12. Goel, S. and Crnkovic, J., RFID: Risks to the Supply Chain , IRMA 17th International Conference, Washington DC, May 2006
13. Crnkovic, J., Belardo, S., and Asoh, D. A Computing the Knowledge Management Index:
Validation of the Instrument, IRMA 16th International Conference, San Diego, CA, May 2005
14. Holstein, W.K., Crnkovic, J., Ribeiro, M. – Management Issues in RFID Projects IRMA 16th International Conference, San Diego, CA, May 2005
15. Crnkovic, J., Ross, P. and Desai, S. Software Support for the Classical, Contemporary and Future Project Management, 9 World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI 2005, Orlando, FL., July 2005
16. Crnkovic, J., Belardo, S., and Asoh, D. A., The Knowledge Management Index as a Micro Level Organizational Diagnostic Management Tool: Analysis and Illustrations with Data from a Pilot Study 8 World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI 2004, Orlando, FL., July 2004
17. Holstein, W.K. and Crnkovic, J., IT Business Value and the Information Flood, IRMA 15th International Conference, New Orleans, LA, May 2004
18. Asoh, D. A., Crnkovic, J., and Belardo, S., The Relationship between the Knowledge Management Index and Organizational Performance: A Preliminary Empirical Analysis, IRMA 15th International Conference, New Orleans, LA, May 2004
19. Holstein, W.K. and Crnkovic, J., Buttons, Sliders and Dials: Implementing Metrics in DSS, IRMA 14th International Conference, Philadelphia, PA., May 2003
20. Mohan, L. and Crnkovic, J. Information Technology Is Thriving In Yugoslavia! (Case Study Of Delta Holding) IRMA 14th International Conference, Philadelphia, PA., May 2003
21. Crnkovic, Belardo, Asoh: E-Business applications in Governmental sector, International Conference in Entrepreneurial Economy, Podgorica, Published in Entrepreneurial Economy, Vol. 1, pp.619-626, December 2002
22. Derek A., Belardo S. and Crnkovic J. Modeling and Constructing the Knowledge Management Index of Organizations, 6 World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI 2002, Orlando, FL., July 2002
23. Derek A., Belardo S. and Crnkovic J. Preparing A Government Agency For Business Success In The New Economy: A Success Story, IRMA, 13th International Conference, Seattle, WA., May 2002
24. Holstein W. and Crnkovic J. Metrics And Dss: Do We Have The Dss Cart Ahead Of The Measurement Horse? IRMA 13th International Conference, Seattle, WA., May 2002
25. Crnkovic, J., Popovic D., and Vukotic, V., A Government Information System for Montenegro, 12thIRMA International Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 2001
26. Holstein W. and Crnkovic J. New Thinking for the Intro IT Course, IRMA International Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 2001
27. Crnkovic, J., EIS Building Blocks in E-Business, Strategic Issues in Transformation of Big Companies in the Global Environment, Business School Yearly Conference, University at Belgrade, October, 1999
28. Crnkovic, J., and Holstein, W.K., Developing Prototyping Skills: The Onion Method, IRMA, 10th International Conference Proceedings, Hershey, Pa, May, 1999
29. Holstein W.K., and Crnkovic, J., EIS Design Issues: The Special case of E-Commerce, IRMA, 10th International Conference Proceedings, Hershey, Pa, May 1999
30. Crnkovic, J., New Information Technology and Managerial Challenges for Health Care Providers, Panel Session, IRMA, 9th International Conference Proceedings, Boston, May, 1998
31. Holstein W.K., and Crnkovic, J., Better Management through Better Information, IRMA, 9th International Conference Proceedings, Boston, May 1998
32. Crnkovic, J. and Holstein, W.K. Learning Organizations and IT: A Role for Small Colleges?, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Eastern Small College Computing Conference, October, 1997, Pomona, New Jersey
33. Crnkovic, J. and Holstein, W.K., What ever Happened with Re in Object re-cycling, Information Resource Management Association International Conference, Washington, DC, May, 1996
34. Belardo, S. and Crnkovic, J. Learning Organization, Information Resource Management Association International Conference, Washington, DC, May, 1996
35. Kuhrt, M., Avitabile, J., Crnkovic, J, Klein, H.: New Market for Computer Courses, Panel Session, ESCCC conference, New Rochelle, NY, October, 1995
36. Crnkovic, J. and Holstein, W.K., Privatization and IS: The Role of Consultants and Partners, Information Resource Management Association International Conference, Atlanta, GA, May, 1995
37. Kuhrt, M. and Crnkovic, J., Bridging the Gaps in Information Technology Education, Information Resource Management Association International Conference, Atlanta, GA, May, 1995
38. Crnkovic, J. and Holstein, W.K., From Simulation model to DSS: A Transportation Industry Example, Computer Simulation Summer Conference, San Diego, July, 1994., Conf.Proc., ISBN 1-56555-029-3, pp. 883-888
39. Holstein, W.K. and Crnkovic, J., Using Information Systems to Reshape Management Practice in New Market Economies, Information Management Association International Conference, San Antonio, Texas, May, 1994, Conference Proceedings, ISBN 1-878289-26-8, pp. 245-250
40. Seagle, J.P., Belardo, S., Crnkovic, J., Trends in Health Care Industry, Regional Health Care Conference, Business School, University at Albany, 1993
41. Crnkovic, J. and Bakic,O., IS for Tourist Agencies, International Conference on Hotel Management: "Hotelska Kuca", Opatija, Yu., 1988.
42. Milutinovic, Crnkovic, Chang, Siegel, The LOCO approach to Distributed Task Allocation in AIDA (by Verdi), the 5th International Conference on Distributed Systems, Denver, Colorado, 1985.
43. Milutinovic, V. and Crnkovic, J., State Transitions Times for Limited Contention Multiple Access Schemes, Proceedings of the XIII Annual ACM Conference, New Orleans, 1985.
44. Crnkovic, J., Methodology vs. Languages, panel session chair, Winter simulation Conference, Dallas, 1984.
45. Crnkovic, J., Computer Simulation: Theory and Teaching, Summer Simulation Conference, Boston, 1984.
46. Crnkovic, J., The Formal theory of Simulation form the Users Point of View, First European Simulation Congress, Aachen, Germany, 1983.
47. Crnkovic, J. Simulation of Production Processes, IV International Symposium: Computer at the University, Cavtat, Yugoslavia, 1982.
48. Crnkovic, J., Queues in Network Simulation, III International Symposium: Computer at the University, Cavtat, 1981.
49. Vulicevic, B. and Crnkovic, J., The Graphical Presentation of the functions by means of digital computers and their utilization in teaching college mathematics, III International Symposium: Computer at the University, Cavtat, 1981.
50. Crnkovic, J., Simulation in Informational System Projects, invited speaker, First Yugoslavian Symposium on Economic Cybernetics, Prilep, 1981.
51. Crnkovic, J. The axiomatic theory of simulation, Yugoslavian Statistical Association Conference, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 1981.
Published textbooks
1. Crnkovic, J. Introduction to computer programming using VBA, UDG, Podgorica (printed in Montenegro for the University of Donja Gorica, in English language) third improved edition, 2016
2. Crnkovic, J: Advanced Excel with VBA, McGrawHill/Create, for Excel 2013, (appears as eBook), 164 pages. 2015
3. Crnkovic, J. Poslovna Informatika (Business Informatics, combined and updated edition) Podgorica: UDG Podgorica. 2015
4. Crnkovic, J. Introduction to computer programming using VBA, UDG, Podgorica (printed in Montenegro for the University of Donja Gorica, in English language) second updated edition, 2014
5. Crnkovic, J. Introduction to computer programming using VBA, UDG, Podgorica (printed in Montenegro for the University of Donja Gorica, in English language). 2012 -reprint
6. Crnkovic, J. Introduction to computer programming using VBA, UDG, Podgorica (printed in Montenegro for the University of Donja Gorica, in English language). 2011
7. Crnkovic, J: Advanced Excel with VBA, McGrawHill/Create, for Excel 2010, (appears as printed and eBook), 164 pages. 2011
8. Crnkovic, J. Poslovna Informatika II (Business Informatics II) (first ed.). Podgorica: UDG Podgorica. 2009
9. Crnkovic, J. (2008). Business applications addendum (12 addendums after each of 12 chapters) for BITM330 book Chicago: McGrawHill.
10. Crnkovic, J. Poslovna Informatika I (Business Informatics, part 1) (first ed., vol. 1). Podgorica: UDG University, Podgorica, Montenegro. 2008
11. Crnkovic, J. (2007). Business applications addendum (12 addendums after each of 12 chapters) for BITM330 book Chicago: McGrawHill.
12. Crnkovic, J: Advanced Excel for MBA students at University at Albany, McGraw Hill 2008, custom edition (textbook has two parts: Excel text by Crnkovic, J. (4 chapters), and one chapter on IS systems adopted from the textbook Balzan, Philips: Busienss Driven IS) for Excel 2007
13. Crnkovic, J: Advanced Excel for MBA students at University at Albany, McGraw Hill 2007, custom edition (textbook has two parts: Excel text by Crnkovic, J. (4 chapters), and one chapter on IS systems adopted from the textbook Balzan, Philips: Busienss Driven IS) for Excel 2003
14. Crnkovic, J and O’Brien: Advanced Excel for MBA students at University at Albany, McGraw Hill 2006, custom edition (textbook has two parts: Excel text by Crnkovic, J., and one chapter on IS systems adopted from O’Brien, Marakas textbook)
15. O’Brien, Marakas, Crnkovic, Belardo: Management information Systems (new chapter 4: Project Management by Crnkovic, J., updated chapters on Excel and Access by Crnkovic, J. and Belardo, S.), McGraw Hill 2006
16. Belardo, S and Crnkovic, J (editors – text by O’Brien et al. with appendix by Crnkovic and Belardo): Business Information Systems, (custom book for course MSI330), McGraw Hill 2003, updated and reprinted in 2004
17. Belardo, S. and Crnkovic, J. (editors and co-authors with texts by O’Brien, Hillier and Lieberman), Information Systems and Modeling (custom book for course MSI330 and MSI331), McGraw Hill 2002
18. Crnkovic, J and Belardo, S., (editors and co-authors with texts by O’Brien Hillier and Lieberman), Information Systems and Modeling (custom book for course MSI330), McGraw Hill 2001
19. Kuhrt, M. and Crnkovic, J, PC Productivity Tools for the Student, McGraw-Hill, 278 + XXX pages, New York, 1995 (Peer reviewed)
20. Hanic (editor), Lexicon of Business Informatics, (co-author), Znak, Belgrade, 1995, 200 pages(Peer reviewed)
21. Crnkovic, J., New Selection of Application Software, (textbook for MIS), 300 pages, Belgrade, 1991. (Peer reviewed)
22. Crnkovic, J., Information Systems and Application Software selection (textbook for MIS, with MS/DOS, BASIC, LOTUS123, dBASE III+ and Business applications), 369 pages, Belgrade, 1990(Peer reviewed)
23. Crnkovic, J. and Sotiroski K., COBOL (workbook with 50 solved problems using COBOL for microcomputers), 104 pages, Prilep, 1990.
24. Crnkovic, J., Maric, M. and Popovic, M., COBOL (textbook for Business Information Systems using mini and microcomputers), 210 pages, Valjevo, 1991. (Peer reviewed)
25. Crnkovic, J., Maric, M. and Popovic, M., COBOL (textbook, BIS using COBOL-I and COBOL-A, Honeywell 6 mini computers), 170 pages, Valjevo, 1989. (Peer reviewed)
26. Zecevic, T. and Crnkovic, J., Mathematical Models and Simulation Methods (textbook for graduate students), 140 pages, Rijeka, 1987 (Peer reviewed)
27. Zecevic, T. and Crnkovic, J., Mathematical Models and Simulation Methods (textbook for graduate students), Second edition (added chapter on IS management in Traffic Industry), 170 pages, Rijeka, 1991. (Peer reviewed)
28. Crnkovic, J., Application Software (textbook), 160 pages, Belgrade, 1987. (Peer reviewed)
29. Vulicevic, B. and Crnkovic, J., Programming Language FORTRAN (textbook, completely redone from previous books: Algorithmic Language... including FORTRAN 77 for microcomputers), 300 pages, Belgrade 1987, (Peer reviewed)
30. Second edition (reprinted with corrections), 1989.
31. Vulicevic, B. and Crnkovic, J., Algorithmic Language FORTRAN, (textbook), with FORTRAN for Honeywell 6/41 (313 pages), Belgrade, 1984. (Peer reviewed)
32. Crnkovic, J., Computing Center (textbook for introduction to MIS and its organization), 187 pages, Belgrade, 1982 (Peer reviewed)
33. Vulicevic, B. and Crnkovic, J., Algorithms and FORTRAN, (textbook), 252 pages, Belgrade, 1981,
34. Second edition (reprinted with corrections), 1982. (Peer reviewed)
35. Vulicevic, B., Crnkovic, J., Rupnik, L., Programming Languages: COBOL, 234 pages, textbook, Belgrade, 1980. (Peer reviewed and recommended by the State of Serbia education commission)
36. Vulicevic, B. and Crnkovic, J., FORTRAN IV (over 100 solved problems, IBM 360), 208 pages, textbook, Belgrade, 1978, reprinted 1980.
37. Group of authors, College Mathematics for Technical Community Colleges - chapter by Crnkovic, J.: Mathematical statistics, Savremena Administracija, Belgrade, 1976. (Peer reviewed and recommended by the State of Serbia education commission)
Publications in non-refereed journals (e.g., trade journals and in-house journals)
1. Crnkovic, J. and Holstein, W.K., "EDU-PACK" Series: Slide shows (on diskettes) for teaching/learning DOS, LOTUS and dBASE, College of Saint Rose Albany, NY, 1993 and 1994. (Distributed to students, free of charge)
2. Crnkovic, J. (Project supervisor), Software for Statistical Analysis for Research Projects,(Applied for marketing research in tourism), Belgrade, 1989, 10 pages
3. Crnkovic, J., FORTRAN Specifics for Honeywell 6 users, ERC-Reports, Belgrade, 1985., 20 pages
4. Crnkovic, J., Vulicevic, B. and Kovacic, Z., User book for HONEYWELL 6, ERC-Reports, Belgrade, 1982., 30 pages
5. Crnkovic, J., COBOL Specifics for Honeywell minicomputers, ERC-Reports, Belgrade, 1982., 30 pages
Papers presented at academic or professional meetings
1. The Future of CRM, Montenegro Academy of Sciences, Podgorica, Montenegro, March 2103
2. Data Mining – how to teach and use in the curricula, Research Forum, Keiser University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, April 2009
3. Managerial Issues in implementing RFID, University at Bitola, Prilep, Macedonia, April 2007
4. IT in the New economy, University at Bitola, Macedonia, Invited keynote speaker, Ohrid, Macedonia, October 14-16, 2005
5. Using the Knowledge Management Index to evaluate the Organizational performance, IT Session Invited Paper, University at Bitola, Macedonia, “New Economy Symposium”, Ohrid, Macedonia, October 14-16, 2005
6. Tradeoff Analysis In Supply Chain, School of Business, UA, Seminar based on work in progress by, Ballou,D., Crnkovic, J. and Tayi, G.K., November 17th, 2004
7. Building simulation models for railway transportation using @Risk, Traffic Institute, Belgrade, August, 1999, two-day seminar, abstract published
8. Information Technology in the New Market Economies in Europe, The College of Saint Rose, March 16, 1994 (seminar during "International Week")
9. Technology and Management Issues in the Health Care Systems, seminar, School of Management, Binghamton University, April, 1993.
10. Crnkovic, Belardo, Seagle: Health Care IS, Health Care Management Conference, Albany, NY, March 1993.
11. IT in Developing Countries, seminar, School of Management, SUNY at Binghamton, 1992.
12. Software selection for the Office Automation, seminar at SUNY Center in Budapest, Hungary, 1991.
13. Optimization of Locomotive Routing Problem, seminar, SUNY at Albany, Albany, 1990.
14. Crnkovic, J. and Mitrovic, M. IT and Organizational Problems, Management Conference, Porec, Yugoslavia, 1989.
15. Crnkovic, J. and Tourki, M., Building Expert System for Inventory Management, EURO X, Tenth European Congress in OR, Belgrade, 1989.
16. Expert Systems for Production Process Simulation, seminar at SUNY at Albany, with Duchessi, P., Albany, 1989.
17. Fourth Generation Languages, seminar, Business Higher Schools Conference, Valjevo, Yugoslavia, 1987.
18. Crnkovic, J and Mohan, L., IS in Developing Countries, ORSA/TIMS Conference, Miami Beach, 1986.
19. Ali S.W. and Crnkovic, J. Simulating Traffic Flow, ORSA/TIMS Conference, Miami Beach, 1986.
20. Computer Languages and Productivity Tools, ASM Conference for Capital District, Albany, 1986.
21. Simulation of LAN Protocol Schemes, seminar, Institute of Mathematics, Belgrade, 1985.
22. AI and Computer Simulation, seminar, Institute of Mathematics, Belgrade, 1985.
23. Review of Communication Schemes for local Area Networks, seminar, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Miami, 1984.
24. The LOCO and LB Approaches in AI Directed Computer Architecture, seminar, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Miami, 1984.
25. Simulation Methods in the theory of Queues, seminar, Institute for Mathematics, Belgrade, 1981.
26. An Approach to Computer Science Teaching in High school, VII Yugoslavian Mathematical Congress, Budva, 1980.
Other intellectual activities, including: publicly available research working papers; papers presented at faculty research seminars; speeches to academic, industry, or community groups; research monographs; textbook study guides; unpublished cases with instructional materials; instructional software; other publicly available materials describing the design and implementation of new curricula or courses
Selected Projects:
1. Belardo, Lawson, Crnkovic: DSS model for Managed Health Care Organizations, SUNY, Albany, NY, 1998
2. Mohan, L. and J. Crnkovic, Marketing IS for Singapore Airlines (prototype using PC-Express), New York, 1992.
3. Mohan, L (project leader), J. Crnkovic team member: DSS for SOFA, New York State Agency for Aging, New York, 1992.
4. Crnkovic, J. Office Automation System for Green Cross, Geneva, Switzerland, 1991.
5. Eremic, M, and Crnkovic, J. (Project co-directors), Banking IS for INVESTBANKA, Belgrade, (Management system and banking IS), Belgrade, 1989, 1990.
6. Zecevic, T. (Project leader), Crnkovic, J. (team member) MIS for "Kolubara" power Plant, Yugoslavia, 1989 - 1990.
7. Crnkovic, J. and Djuricin, D., Marketing IS for the "Kikinda" (General Motors Plant, in Kikinda), Yugoslavia, 1990, (System Analysis and Design).
8. Zecevic, Aleksic and Crnkovic Computer Based Information System for the Yugoslavian Auto-Clubs Association, (System design and Implementation, 1987, 1988)
9. Project continued 1989 with building IS for tourist information.
10. Hanic, H., Bozic, V. and Crnkovic, J. Optimization planning in the manufacturing of buses, project for Bus manufacturer "FAP", Priboj, Yugoslavia, 1983.
11. Crnkovic, J., Faculty of Economics computer center organization, project for Faculty of economics, 1982,
12. Project was revitalized in 1991: Information Center at the Faculty of Economics
13. Zecevic, T. and Crnkovic, J., Statistical analysis of immunization, project funded by UNICEF, for Belgrade Clinical Center Hospital, Belgrade, 1979.
Texbook reviever:
1. McGrawHill (in the area of IT),
2. Prentice Hall (in the area of Quantitative Decision Making) and
3. Course technology a textbook in the area of Computer networks (which we use for our undergraduate and graduate courses at the School of Business)
Activities that maintain academic or professional qualifications
Reviewer and track chair for IRMA, DSI and SCI conferences.
Member of the Editorial board for JCIT (IDEA press).
Member of the editorial board for JCEPP (Journal of Career Education Principles and Practices), by Keiser University, Florida,
The School of Business Undergraduate Teaching award (2008)
Member of the Board and co-founder of the private University UDG in Montenegro, established the Faculty for Information Systems And Technologies and created the program for the Faculty, created in 2009 (Podgorica, Montenegro), reviewed 2017 (Cetinje, Montenegro). Program was accredited with appropriate European bodies three times.
I am teaching by invitation at many Universities, Institutes and Chambers of Commerce
School and University service
ITM Department Chair, Member of many school committees: UAC (9 times), GAC, Personnel (2 times), Teaching and Learning (2 times, once Chairperson), Member of Departmental and ad-hoc committees many times.
Six years making Departmental Scheduling (unpaid).
Eight years doing Data analysis and generating reports (using the software I developed for this project) for the Marvin/UA marketing research: The Capital District Business Climate.
Courses Innovations:
In fall of 2018 developed two blended courses for the School of Business and teaching both courses now
BITM513 – Quantitaive methods
BITM520 - Database Management